Automate Binary Builds with Jenkins + CodePipeline


Add Permissions to Candle-EC2 IAM Role

  1. From AWS IAM Console >> Users >> Candle-EC2 >> Add permissions >> Attach existing policies directly
  2. Add AWSCodePipelineCustomActionAccess policy >> Save changes

Integrate Jenkins with CodePipeline

Add Security Group to EC2

  1. From EC2 landing page >> Network & Security >> Security Groups
  2. Create Security Group >> Name: "WebConnectEC2" >> Description: "Allow SSH and HTTP traffic to EC2"
  3. Add the following inbound rules. NB: Source = "Anywhere" is not recommended for production environments.


  1. Click EC2 instance >> Actions >> Networking >> Change Security Groups >> Select "WebConnectEC2" >> Save

Install Jenkins on EC2

# Get Jenkins files
curl -fsSL | sudo tee \
  /usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc > /dev/null
echo deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc] \ binary/ | sudo tee \
  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list > /dev/null

# Install Jenkins
sudo apt-get update \
sudo apt-get install jenkins

# Check install
jenkins --version

# Allow Jenkins service to start at boot
sudo systemctl enable jenkins

# Launch Jenkins
sudo systemctl start jenkins

Create Jenkins Admin/Login to Jenkins

  1. Click EC2 instance >> Details >> Copy EC2 Public IPv4 DNS
  2. From browser navigate to http://<EC2_public_ipv4_address>:8080/
  3. From EC2 SSH terminal >> sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword >> Copy password
  4. Paste password into Jenkins >> Continue >> Install suggested plugins
  5. Create admin user (suggested username: admin) >> Save and Continue
  6. Instance Configuration >> Not Now


To clean install Jenkins

sudo apt-get remove --purge jenkins
rm -rf /var/lib/jenkins

Create Jenkins Build Project

  1. From Jenkins dashboard >> New Item >> Enter item name: "CandlePipeline" >> Select "Freestyle project" >> OK
  2. General >> Check "Execute concurrent builds if necessary"
  3. Source Code Management >> Check AWS CodePipeline
  4. From AWS IAM >> Users >> Candle-EC2 >> create second access key "Jenkins" >> Add to Jenkins Build AWS Config
  5. Category >> Build
  6. Provider: Jenkins
  7. Build Triggers >> Check "Poll SCM" >> Schedule: * * * * *
  8. Build Steps >> Add build step >> Execute shell >> Add command:
export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-11.8/bin:$PATH
export PATH=/home/ubuntu/.cargo/bin:$PATH
. "/home/ubuntu/.cargo/env"
rustc --version
cargo --version
nvcc --version
whereis cudnn.h
cargo build --example quantized --features cuda,cudnn --release
cargo build --example falcon --features cuda,cudnn --release
  1. Post-build Actions >> Add post-build action >> AWS CodePipeline Publisher
  2. Output location >> Add >> Artifact Location: /target/release/examples >> Artifact Name: BuildArtifact

Create CodePipeline Project

  1. AWS CodePipeline Console >> Create pipeline >> Pipeline name: "CandlePipeline" >> Check "New service role"
  2. Advanced Settings >> Custom location >> Bucket: "my-candle-binaries" >> Default AWS Managed Key >> Next
  3. Source provider >> Github (Version 2) >> Follow instructions to create Github Connection
  4. Uncheck "Start the pipeline on source code change"
  5. Repository name: huggingface/candle >> Branch Name: main >> Output artifact format:CodePipeline Default >> Next
  6. Build Provider >> Add Jenkins
  7. Provider Name: Jenkins NB: Must match Jenkins Build Project!
  8. Server URL: http://<EC2_public_ipv4_address>:8080/
  9. Project Name: CandlePipeline NB: Must match Jenkins Build Project! >> Next
  10. Skip deploy stage >> Skip
  11. Review >> Create pipeline
  12. The first build will run automatically. Subsequent builds can be triggered using "Release change" button.

Download Binaries

  1. AWS S3 Console >> my-candle-binaries >> CandlePipeline/ >> BuildArtif/
  2. Order by "Last modified" >> Download latest zip

⚠️ IMPORTANT: Terminate any AWS resources to prevent unexpected charges.
