Hello, Candle on AWS!
Create Candle-EC2 IAM User
From AWS IAM Console >> Users >> Create User "Candle-EC2" >> Attach Policies Directly:
Launch GPU Enabled AWS EC2 Compute Instance
- Open the AWS EC2 Console
- Configure a Ubuntu 20.04 Deep Learning Base GPU AMI image + G5.##xlarge instance type (see here for charges and instance capcity)
- Create new key pair and save .pem file
- Allow SSH traffic
- Launch Instance
- From EC2 landing page >> Start Instance
- You may need to request capacity increase from AWS to handle larger G5.##xlarge instances
- Move .pem file from downloads to ~/.ssh using
mv ~/Downloads/candle-key.pem ~/.ssh
Connect to EC2 via SSH
- Install Remote - SSH from VSCode Extensions
- Add new SSH Connection
- From EC2 landing page >> Connect >> SSH client >> Copy commands to VSCode
# NB: edit path to .pem file as needed
chmod 400 ~/.ssh/candle-key.pem
ssh -i "~/.ssh/candle-key.pem" ubuntu@ec2-##-##.us-east-1.compute.amazonaws.com
- Update .config file and validate format as follows
Host ec2-##-###.us-east-1.compute.amazonaws.com
HostName ec2-##-###.us-east-1.compute.amazonaws.com
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/candle-key.pem
User ubuntu
- Confirm remote host platform (Linux) and fingerprint (Continue)
- Launch terminal on remote host
- If you stop and restart your EC2 instance, you will need to update the IP address in your .config file
Verify EC2 CUDA/cuDNN
nvidia-smi --query-gpu=compute_cap --format=csv
nvcc --version
whereis cudnn.h
Install Rust via rustup
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh -s -- -y --profile minimal --default-toolchain stable
# Set path
source "$HOME/.cargo/env"
Install AWS CLI
curl "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip" -o "awscliv2.zip"
unzip awscliv2.zip
sudo ./aws/install
# Check install
aws --version
Configure Candle-EC2 IAM User
- IAM Console >> Users >> Candle-EC2 >> Security Credentials >> Create Access Key "EC2-CLI"
- From EC2 SSH terminal
aws configure
# Copy-Paste Candle-EC2 Access Key ID
# Copy-Paste Candle-EC2 Secret Access Key
# Default region name: us-east-1
Configure Candle
git clone https://github.com/huggingface/candle.git
cd candle
Build & Run Binaries
See all Candle example models here
# CPU build
cargo build --example falcon --release
# CUDA + cuDNN build
cargo build --example falcon --features cuda,cudnn --release
# Run binary
cd target/release/examples
./falcon --prompt "who invented the lightbulb"
Store Binaries in S3
From AWS S3 Console >> Create S3 Bucket i.e my-candle-binaries
# Copy model binary from EC2 to S3
cd target/release/examples
aws s3 cp quantized s3://my-candle-binaries
⚠️ IMPORTANT: Terminate any AWS resources to prevent unexpected charges.