Rust Project Demos
Microservices Examples
Leveling up with Rust via Cargo to build a Web Microservice Actix
Project Ideas
Suggestions for a Cloud Computing Class at an Elite University Final Project in Rust
Design and implementation of a scalable cloud-based web application using Rust and the Rocket framework. Start with this example code: Rocket
Development of a multi-threaded, cloud-based image processing application in Rust using the Tokio framework. Start with this example code: Tokio
Creation of a cloud-based storage solution using Rust and the Sled database. Start with this example code: Sled
Building a cloud-based microservice architecture using Rust and the Actix framework. Start with this example code: Actix
An implementation of a cloud-based real-time data streaming platform using Rust and the Apache Kafka library. Start with this example code: rust-rdkafka
Development of a cloud-based serverless application using Rust and the OpenFaaS framework. Start with this example code: faas-rust
Design and implementation of a cloud-based IoT solution using Rust and the MQTT protocol. Start with this example code: paho.mqtt.rust
Creation of a cloud-based blockchain application using Rust and the Substrate framework. Start with this example code: Substrate
Building a cloud-based, multi-node distributed system using Rust and the Raft consensus algorithm. Start with this example code: raft-rs
Development of a cloud-based, real-time chat application using Rust and the WebSockets library. Start with this example code: tungstenite-rs